

Saturday 15 September 2012

Answering the Question Why I was Born (Part One)

Article by Phinda W. Mamba

One of the question that define whether one will succeed in life or live a life of constant struggling, hardship and failure, is the question why was I born. If you like you can phrase this question this way ‘why am I here on earth?’ in any way you phase this question, it always boils down to one thing and that one thing is purpose.

Once this question has been answered in one’s life, all things every force of nature and supernatural seems to fall in line, rallying behind you. It brings in what I call the magic touch. What you touch just simple blossom and becomes a hit.

Let’s take Mr Henry ford when he inverted the ford auto mobile, one thing that he had in mind been purpose. “Am making a cheap auto mobile that will transport people from point A to point B” a purpose was sealed, you take a ford car and want to plough with it, you will struggle believe me. You know why because it was design with only the purpose to transport people from one point to another. The when a garden folk was inverted, the purpose in mind was to till the ground. You take a fork and want to use it as a garden spade, you will straggle. Why you are violating the law of purpose.

Secondly lack of knowledge and understanding of purpose concerning something or one’s life, will always lead to great struggle. The great struggle always and I mean allays comes from one engaging, the closest tool or means to finding out purpose of something or one’s life. And the nearest mean, is what I call trial and error. Trial and error is simple a process where by one, tries something until he/she gets it right. But this method is so cumbersome because of it heavy reliance on probability. And probability is the number of time a thing can occurred and is heavily based on assumption. Depending on your nearest position to right, this can go up too million times, billion times or even more.

However me and you are here on earth for business, and we need to get straight to business, we don’t have time to waste on trial and error. Unfortunately many people have used this method, and even worse the world promotes this method of living, and thus we have an overwhelming majority of the world/global population living in poverty, constant pain, struggling, even those who have wealthy according to world standard, are struggling with something. In fact most of them, the more their wealthy increase the more their struggle increase or intensifies. This is due to that with trial and error, starting with and error, the more the process is engaged the more the error is magnified.

How do I find my purpose?
Briefly I will give you three main sign post to a stress free, inner search for purpose discovery.

1. Creator/Designer

Anyone who when the ford auto mobile was first introduced, who wanted to know the purpose of the auto mobile, went straight to Mr Henry Ford, and ask him this very simply question, “Mr Harry Ford why did you invert or design this auto mobile” in short this question is seeking to understand what was going thought the man’s mind that made him to invert this auto mobile. And the man would say “I inverted the auto mobile to facilitate the transportation of human beings/things from one point to the next. In a few seconds you would have gotten hold of the purpose, and operating that auto mobile according to purpose for you, will be a pleasure.

So the question to ask you is who created me? Once that question is answered, don’t waste any time, half of your problems are already solve, go to that person, reconcile with her if ever your relationship is not in place. Bold and openly ask him this question, why did you create me, what was on your mind when you created me?

Personal experience

For me I discovered I was created by God, so what I did was to go to Him, reconcile my relationship with him, then popped the question, what was on your mind when you created me? And am telling you, oh boy even today am still learning and the more I learn the more easier it become for me to achieve and enjoy success, greatness and fulfilment.

Practical steps to this principle

The first thing to do is to come to the acceptance and recognition that you were created by GOD, you did not just exit or born by chance. But a bigger brain is behind your being here.
Second step is to reconcile with your maker which is GOD through Jesus Christ, God loves us so much that while were sinners he already provided for our reconciliation, for you is just to accept and receive what has been done for you by God, you do this by having faith in it, and the bible says you become righteous, meaning in right standing with God, meaning no beef between you and God meaning you then become best friends, father and son, one with him. You and I know that once you become close with someone you can ask him whatever you want and he/she will answer you. That’s our third step.
Ask him, whether in prayer, talking, reading the word, interrogation the word, meditating on the word. Ask him plainly, WHY DID YOU MAKE ME, WHAT WAS ON YOUR MIND WHEN YOU MAKE ME.

Digest these first point while you wait for the second and third.
Check my next edition for the second and third point.


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